And when I say 'heard' I mean 'spoken'. By me. To Radar.
Hey buddy, you want the last of this beer?
Don't you act like that, I steal extra plastic bags from the grocery store to pick up your shit!
Hey man, I'm gonna take a little nap here for a bit. Why don't you wait till I'm in a nice deep sleep then come over and jab me in the face with your jagged-assed paw? Good boy.
C'mon. Let's go shit on rich people's front lawns.
What, you're not gonna sleep in my bedroom no more? Fine. No, fine. Go sleep in your room. No, don't try to apologize, I don't wanna hear it. I'm gonna start charging you rent so go find a freakin' job, asshole.
No, don't stifle it! You just drank like a gallon of pond water, let 'er rip buddy!
Don't look at her, you'll turn to stone.
Leave it. Leave it! LEAVE IT! NO! GIMME THAT! Don't eat...oh wait. No, I'm sorry you can eat that. What? I said I was sorry.
Don't worry. You get to go.
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